I should have posted this and something else yesterday, but I was DOING STUFF. Anyway, I was reminded upon seeing another meme that I normally do this one this month.
I posted a ficlet! Old, Forgotten Things (Ghosts (TV) ensemble, gen. Summary: It’s hard to remember things when you’re trying to reunite your head with your body or when Thomas is being really annoying.) I drafted it when I saw the prompt, back in April, when I got the central idea. I’ve kept coming back to it, managing to bring in more and more of
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I posted three ficlets this month (I meant to post them more closely together). They’re all Scorpion, either PG or U and all three are outsider POVs of Walter/Paige.
I posted about writing ‘Blood and Flame’ and the latest episode of Killing Eve here. (While I’m having problems crosspostin, I’ll manually crosspost posts I’d memorise, but redirect for everything else.)